Can Estate Agents Really Help in Your Relocation Out of UK?

Imagining yourself in a whole new city, surrounded by whole new prospects- it sure sounds exciting, doesn’t it? New eateries to discover, new cultures to explore, a whole new lifestyle to experience- the sky is the limit.

Now, imagine moving out of your old settled home into a brand new home- setting up utilities, bringing in the furnishings, and most importantly, finding a new place to begin with! Moving homes is never easy, especially if you’re moving across countries. From handling legal matters to understanding the area of your residence or commercial property- it can all be a tad bit overwhelming if you are taking this responsibility alone on your shoulders. read more

How much do Letting Agents Charge to Manage a Property in Edinburgh

Being a landlord is a great self-investment that comes with a lot of responsibility, at least if you are looking for a return on investment. If you wish to have a stress-free renting journey you must brace yourself for tenant complaints, leaks, non-payments and also keep abreast of the letting laws, health and safety requirements. However, if you do not wish to go through this, then passing these responsibilities to a letting agent might be the smart thing to do. But, what is the agent fee for selling property, Edinburgh? read more