Can Estate Agents Really Help in Your Relocation Out of UK?

Imagining yourself in a whole new city, surrounded by whole new prospects- it sure sounds exciting, doesn’t it? New eateries to discover, new cultures to explore, a whole new lifestyle to experience- the sky is the limit.

Now, imagine moving out of your old settled home into a brand new home- setting up utilities, bringing in the furnishings, and most importantly, finding a new place to begin with! Moving homes is never easy, especially if you’re moving across countries. From handling legal matters to understanding the area of your residence or commercial property- it can all be a tad bit overwhelming if you are taking this responsibility alone on your shoulders. read more

Where to Buy a House in London

6 Absolutely Affordable Neighborhoods to buy a house in London

Buying a house in present-day London is no easy task, but with this definitive guide to securing the best properties in the most affordable area- we promise to break down and simplify the house hunting process for you, once and for all!

The real estate market has been on the rise and the numbers soar higher and higher with the passing time. However, if you’ve made up your mind about securing yourself the perfect abode, we have a comprehensive guide to the best neighborhoods in London that allow you a chance at owning a humble abode of your own without pinching the pocket too hard! According to the latest UK House Price Index (HPI), the places we are about to disclose just might be your one true shot at being a proud homeowner! read more

How to Find a Flat in London?

A Complete Guide to securing the best flats in London for yourself

It can be the soaring real estate market or the growing need to find yourself more than just a “decent enough” accommodation, finding a flat in London is no episode of DIY SOS. You won’t have professional home-building crews buzzing your doorbell anytime soon, but what you can have is a meticulous theory to hunting down the perfect flat for yourself. London real estate is considered to be one of the most ballooning industries of all time with the steep rent often discouraging many a hard-worker from investing ample time or effort into digging up the right dirt. However, we have researched some of the most successful ways people have hunted down the perfect abode for themselves, and if you find yourself in the middle of a similar quest, this streamlined piece is a must-read for you. read more

How much do Letting Agents Charge to Manage a Property in Edinburgh

Being a landlord is a great self-investment that comes with a lot of responsibility, at least if you are looking for a return on investment. If you wish to have a stress-free renting journey you must brace yourself for tenant complaints, leaks, non-payments and also keep abreast of the letting laws, health and safety requirements. However, if you do not wish to go through this, then passing these responsibilities to a letting agent might be the smart thing to do. But, what is the agent fee for selling property, Edinburgh? read more

Can a Residential Real Estate Agent Sell Commercial Property?

Residential real estate agents and commercial property agents hail from the same field. The one obvious similarity is that both agents deal with property. The distinguishing factor becomes the type of property each specializes in. Residential property agents deal with the buying, selling and renting of property for one’s personal use. A good example of residential agents is Reeds rain and Premier residential lettings in Manchester. read more